Sunday, October 2, 2011


Friendship is a key component to life. Without friendship, we have no communication with others outside our family. Friends are there when sometimes family is not. Some friends can even be so close whereas they are like family. I have a lot of friends, some that are like family and others that are more like acquaintances than friends.

Lately my one friend and I have been fighting a lot. She always makes me out to be the bad guy. Every. Single. Time. I don't want to lose her as a friend, but I don't know if I can deal with this constant fighting. Sometimes being friends with her is like being in a relationship, and I'm the guy. Apparently even when I'm trying my hardest to help, I can't do anything right and she gets mad without seeing my point of view.

I'm quite aware that this friendship isn't good for me emotionally because of the constant tiptoeing around her feelings. But she's like a sister to me and I don't know if I can let it go.  I don't really know what to do. I want to be friends with her still, but I don't know how much longer I'm going to be able to keep up with her being so emotional all the time.

The worst part is that half the time, she bottles up her feeling and doesn't tell me what's wrong. And then sometimes when she's mad at me, she won't tell me why. She posts things on Facebook and Twitter about her feelings, but she won't tell anyone who it's pertaining to. I clearly know it's about me and it bothers me because she doesn't have the decency to tell me herself how she feels. This pisses me off because she won't tell me anything to my face or even over text message, but she can post it online for everyone to see. Sometimes I think she's just being a huge drama queen, and she is. I deal with it because of how close we are, but I'm beginning to wonder if it's worth all the stress it causes me. I like to be surrounded by positive attitudes and hers is constantly shifting from positive to negative within nearly every 5 minutes.

I hope I can figure out what I want to do with this situation. Thanks for reading even though this really only pertains to me and my problem. I just needed to let it out without actually telling someone. I guess that's all for now. Until next time. Adios!

1 comment:

  1. I'd just like to say, you are an excellent writer! And I've enjoyed reading your posts. This post however, relates to me in SO many ways! I have friends who sometimes can be like this too. And I still want them as friends, but I don't feel like they want me as a friend, or I feel like I don't want them as a friend, but deep down inside I KNOW that I need them. Does that make sense? Anyways! So... whenever I feel that way, I just have to tell myself that it doesn't matter. For whatever reason... they're MAKING THEMSELVES feel that way. YOU ARE NOT! It is all them, and they are taking it all out on you! It's awful! And I absolutely HATE it! It's one of my pet peeves! When someone is mad at me, it bothers me and even though people tell me to leave it along... I just can't! But I always just have to tell myself that I've done all that I possibly can... and it's not my fault that they're mad at me... they've just decided to take it out on me... lucky us I guess! :) Right?! But don't let this get to you. If it get's too out of hand... you should tell her your feelings. I also find it helpful to talk to my mom! She's been through everything and knows exactly what to do! So talk to your mom! Don't let this girl make you sad... a happy girl is a beautiful girl and if she sees how happy you are and that you won't let her ruin your self-esteem, she'll be jealous and look up to you instead of degrading you. Trust me! This will work! Don't let it bother you! :)
